Tag: Tag Sale #6 die

With Love, Mother

By Taheerah | 12th May 2013 | 17 Comments

Hey everyone! How has your Sunday been? 🙂 It’s Mother’s Day in the US, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and post a tag I made for a previous Paper Crafts call that didn’t get picked up. What

Sweet Cakes Tag

By Taheerah | 25th January 2013 | 5 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! It’s my week off from DT work, so I thought I’d bring you an older Gel-à-Tins project featuring the Sweet Cakes set! It’s no secret that I have a sweet spot for cupcakes and cupcake stamp

Chevron-Tastic Tag

By Taheerah | 15th May 2012 | 14 Comments

Hey everyone, how are you all doing? I must apologise for this post going up later than planned. My internet is playing up at home so it’s been rather difficult being able to post! Ah well, better late than never