Tag: Mini Blooms

Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge #2

By Taheerah | 27th January 2014 | 19 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I know, I know, Mondays are tough. We all need a little tonic to help us get through the day. Luckily there’s a new challenge in town to help us do that – the Cure For The

Ikat Love

By Taheerah | 15th June 2013 | 5 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! I’m bringing you a bright and cheery Ikat card today – these colours are certain to make you smile! What do you think? Isn’t this like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day?! I started

Zebra Print Hi There

By Taheerah | 16th April 2013 | 8 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m bring you a card I created for Gel-à-Tins using their Zebra Background stamp! Anyone that knows me will be aware that I ♥ all things animal print, so I couldn’t wait to put this

StampSpotlight April 2013 – Day 2!

By Taheerah | 3rd April 2013 | 34 Comments

Hi everyone, it’s great to see you! The response to yesterday’s StampSpotlight was fantastic!! Thank you all *so* much for your kind words and comments – every single one of them made my day!! I hope you’re all ready for