Tag: MFT

Matrix Birthday Card

By Taheerah | 14th October 2015 | 40 Comments

Matrix Birthday card by Taheerah Atchia

Hi everybody, Long time no see. I know it’s been a very long time since I last blogged. To say the last few months have been difficult would be quite an understatement. Aside from the occasional penning of poetry, my

Birthday Spotlight

By Taheerah | 24th September 2013 | 17 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! Today I’ve got a card to share that I love love *love*! It’s a birthday card I made for a special friend whose birthday is today! He’s a filmmaker so I had a good idea of

StampSpotlight September 2013 – Day 2!

By Taheerah | 4th September 2013 | 28 Comments

Hi everyone, it’s great to see you! The response to yesterday’s StampSpotlight was awesome!! Thank you all *so* much for your kind words and comments – every single one of them made my day!! I hope you’re all ready for Day 2!

Healing Heart

By Taheerah | 5th August 2013 | 10 Comments

Hey everyone! How was your Monday? Today’s card is for someone I know whose heart is hurting. I wanted to create something poignant and heartfelt but not too sentimental:   What do you think? I really love how this turned

Birthdays Are Cool

By Taheerah | 6th July 2013 | 6 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! I’m away this weekend so I’ve had to schedule some posts for you – I hope you don’t mind! So, it’s my Dad’s birthday on Monday. My Dad is super-awesome so he deserves a super-awesome card!