Tag: Lace Bouquet

Black Lace Sympathy

By Taheerah | 15th May 2013 | 7 Comments

Sympathy card featuring black floral lace stamping by Taheerah Atchia

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! Well, my mojo is dead right now. Dead dead dead. It’s very frustrating to work through, but I am trying! I’m hoping when this week is out of the way I’ll feel better and the mojo

With Love Mom

By Taheerah | 14th May 2013 | 9 Comments

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday! Well I guess I was still in the ‘Mother’s Day’ headspace as today I’m bringing you a card for a mother: What do you think? I’m not too sure about this one so would like some

With Love, Mother

By Taheerah | 12th May 2013 | 17 Comments

Hey everyone! How has your Sunday been? 🙂 It’s Mother’s Day in the US, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and post a tag I made for a previous Paper Crafts call that didn’t get picked up. What

For The Happy Couple …

By Taheerah | 11th June 2012 | 24 Comments

Hello everyone – it’s another happy Monday!! First of all, I wanted to say a sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you who have supported me on this crazy rollercoaster ride that is Gallery Idol 2012! I would *never*