New Site Launch Party and Giveaway!

By Taheerah | 2nd August 2016 | 230 Comments


Hey everyone!

Today is a very special day for me. After many months of hard work, blood, sweat and tears (many of them not mine) I am finally able to bring to you my brand new site! The whole idea of a rebrand and remodel has been on my mind for years, but I finally got around to taking the plunge this year, and today’s the day I can share it with you all!


Examples of how the website looks on different devices

The first thing you’ll notice is a brand new, shiny, mobile-first, responsive web experience. What does that mean? That this thing looks amazing on your desktop, your tablet and your phone! And not only does it look amazing, but it’s fast, user-friendly, and packed full of great new organisation and features!

So settle into a comfy chair for a few minutes and let me show you round… 

New! Categorisation

Category Squares


Occasions Categories

It was an absolute pain to be able to browse my site before. If you wanted to find some quick inspiration or take a leisurely look through my back catalogue, it was near-impossible. So one of the most important things to come with this new site is a fantastic, visual way to browse my work by occasion, style or technique! Look out for these special Category squares – on the homepage and in the blog sidebar – and enjoy the content-rich presentation of my work. Over time every single post will be categorised, but for the time being there are over 250 projects ready for you to take a look through. If you’re impatient for more or are looking for something very specific, then there’s a handy search feature in the top right corner of the site navigation bar (that actually works!)

New! Press and Features Sections


Press Page - Top


Press Page - Bottom

Want to know where I’ve been featured, or which companies I’ve worked for? The brand new Press section contains all this information in a beautifully presented format, and even contains testimonials from some industry favourites!

Looking for access to features such as Advent Calendar Extravaganza or The Gossip Column? All of these are now easily found in the Features section.

Updated! Learn about my Mission in the About Section

Taheerah Atchia Slide Frame

I had a long hard think about why I create, and why I share with you all. I put it all together in a brand new About section, and really encourage you to read it.

New Content Is Coming!

I’ll be revising the content I’m bringing you, to hopefully bring you more inspiration and more posts. That might mean that some old favourites, like Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge, might be making a comeback! And I’ve a lot of other plans in my mind too. And of course I want to hear from you – what would help you feel inspired? What content would you like to see?



I really want to encourage you to share this brand new site and everything that has gone into it. I have put a lot of heart and soul into the experience here and really want to hear your thoughts, so please leave me a comment to let me know what you love about the brand new!

And with it being a Launch Party, of course there has to be a giveaway!! I’m going to be giving away a number of prizes to some lucky commenters:

Mini MISTI (delivery to anywhere in the world)
$30 value goody bag from Pinkfresh Studio
$25 Neat & Tangled gift certificate
$25 Winnie & Walter gift certificate
$25 Ellen Hutson gift certificate
$25 gift certificate to a crafting company of your choice! (Instagram giveaway)

To enter, leave a comment telling me what you love about the new site!

Follow and Share for More Chances to Win!

And there are even more ways to win! For every way that you follow me (and it’s now even easier to do thanks to the sparkly social media buttons!) you can leave an additional comment!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Follow my blog with Feedly

Share this post on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram and leave an additional comment for each one to improve your chances even more!!


You have until 10th August at 23:59 EST to leave your comments, and I’ll draw a winner shortly after!


A Word of Thanks

Roundhouse Designs

Before I go, I just want to mention the amazing company that helped turn this site into a reality. Roundhouse Designs are such an amazingly talented company and they have put so much into helping to bring my site and personality to life on here. I know that I have not been an easy client by far, and I want to thank them for all the time, effort, blood, sweat and tears – and patience! – that went into what you see today. I could not have done it without them! If any of you out there are looking for someone to take your site from average to amazing these are your guys. Trust me.

Thanks everyone – and good luck!

230 thoughts on “New Site Launch Party and Giveaway!”

  1. Seriously’ I love everything about this site. It’s super easy to to navigate and so so beautiful with touches of gold everywhere. I’m following you on IG now (sharingnewlove) and I’m going to follow you on Facebook. Good luck with the launch and thank you for a chance to win some great prizes.

  2. Congrats on your new updated site! I Love that it’s easier to navigate and find things a lot quicker. It looks Fabulous as well! Sharing your awesome page on FB! 🙂 Can’t wait to see more of your creations!

  3. I love the new look!!! The categories are perfect….well organized and the titling makes it easy to know where to go. Thank you for all of your HARD work!!! Congrats!!

  4. I love your new site. It is a lot easier to find your way around your blog!! It is simply amazing!!!!

  5. WHOA! I LOVE your new look! I think it’s nice and bold! The layout is amazing and love how easy it is to find things. And I think I just may have to check out this Roundhouse Designs! 😉

  6. A great launch party for your beautiful new blog. I love everything about it because its sparkly! I especially like the glittered social media buttons. So cool, haven’t noticed this on anyone else’s blog!

  7. COngratulation on your new blog design? Taheraah!!!! IT is so beautiful and so you!!!!
    I know you put a lot of thoughts into it and a lot of work -great job! HUUUGE congrats!!!!!

  8. Congratulations, Taheerah! Your new blog is looking fabulous. I love that I can navigate in multiple ways, depending on what inspiration I’m seeking. I also love that it’s a feast for my eyes – absolutely gorgeous. xxx

  9. Taheerah, congrats on your new site!! It’ very well structured from what I see, well done! I also love the about section! And I would love it if you brought back the challenge! Hugs, Rosali

  10. I’m looking at your new sight on my mobile device and it is very nice. I can actually read the content and not have to fiddle with making the page fit (I don’t like scrolling a lot – I’m lazy like that). I’m looking forward to all your updates. The font on the comment section is a little too small and I can’t zoom in.

  11. This is fabulous!!! Love the gold and shimmer throughout and so much information for anyone to find! You are awesome!

  12. Taheerah, your new site looks amazing! I like how you’ve categorized and organized. And I love that your navigation menu up top floats as you scroll, so you can always click elsewhere. But what I love and hope you keep, is that your entire blog entry continues to get emailed. While I understand those who only preview a blog post via email as a way to direct traffic to the actual blog, I’m not always in a place to do that or have time for it (I can access email on my phone, but web is more difficult). So I hope you continue to do that. Congrats! And thanks for the giveaway.

  13. Love the elegant pink & gold! Definitely a lot more easier to navigate & well thought out. Congrats on a fabulous new look! I already follow you by email.

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