Christmas Card Orders – Part 4

By Taheerah | 24th December 2009 | One Comment

Hi everyone!
I’m back with my final Christmas Card order post!
For this order I was only asked to make one card, for the gentleman’s wife. It was just a straightforward Supersize Me version of my stocking card here.
Well, here’s the bigger version!
To supersize it, I used bigger die cuts from the Mega Curved Rectangle Nestabilities, adding a Dark Chocolate mat behind the Vintage Cream one.
Everything else is pretty much the same, other than the strip of Scor Tape across the front which was sprinkled with Martha Stewart glitter, and also inking the edges of the Vintage Cream piece with the VintageTouch Tea Dye Duo.
Well, that’s it for me this side of Christmas! I’ll be back tomorrow with two posts dedicated to the cards I made for friends and family. ‘Til then I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope Santa brings you everything you’ve asked for!

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