Tag: Wildflower Garden

Simply Amazing

By Taheerah | 22nd November 2013 | 13 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I’m back with another card created inspired by a previous Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge inspiration photo. I can’t wait to start playing with these for real!! Here is the inspiration photo I used: And here is

Inspired By ‘The Enemy’…

By Taheerah | 28th September 2013 | 7 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! Well, the title of my post is a little foreboding isn’t it? Who is this enemy of which I speak?! I’m talking about store-bought cards! Okay, not quite an ‘enemy’, but definitely something I’m not exactly

Tuesday Trigger – Elegant Emerald

By Taheerah | 17th March 2013 | 17 Comments

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve had a great weekend so far! I thought I would play along with the latest Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger today. Here’s what we had to work with: My first thought when I saw this?