Tag: StampSpotlight

StampSpotlight December 2013 Winner!!

By Taheerah | 6th December 2013 | Leave a Comment

Hi everyone! Welcome back!! I had an awesome response to this month’s StampSpotlight!!! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support for this feature. A huge thank you in particular who shared the news about it and helped

StampSpotlight December 2013 – Day 3!

By Taheerah | 5th December 2013 | 15 Comments

Hi everyone, welcome back! I can’t believe today is the final day of StampSpotlight already!! I always feel sad when it’s the final day of the Spotlight, because I’ve so enjoyed getting up close and personal with one set and showing you

StampSpotlight December 2013 – Day 2!

By Taheerah | 4th December 2013 | 22 Comments

Hi everyone, it’s great to see you! The response to yesterday’s StampSpotlight was awesome!! Thank you all *so* much for your kind words and comments – every single one of them made my day!! I hope you’re all ready for Day 2!

StampSpotlight December 2013 – Day 1!

By Taheerah | 3rd December 2013 | 30 Comments

Before I get started today, I have some awesome news! I am a guest blogger over at none other than MOXIE FAB WORLD today!! Please stop by and check out my post there!! Thank you!!! 😀 Hi everyone, and welcome,

StampSpotlight December 2013 Sneaky Sneak Peek!

By Taheerah | 2nd December 2013 | 2 Comments

Hi everyone! I’m back today to give you a sneaky sneak peek at the next StampSpotlight!! Just a quick reminder first on what this feature is in case it’s all new to you. 🙂 The Details StampSpotlight is a monthly feature that