Tag: On The Strip 2

Stop And Go Blog Hop

By Taheerah | 21st April 2014 | 40 Comments

Hey everyone! Welcome back! This is my second post of the day. Please scroll down to see this week’s Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge! So I’m back today for a very special Blog Hop indeed! My dear super-talented friend Miriam

Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge #7

By Taheerah | 3rd March 2014 | 22 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I know, I know, Mondays are tough. We all need a little tonic to help us get through the day. Luckily there’s a new challenge in town to help us do just that – the Cure For

StampSpotlight August 2013 – Day 3!

By Taheerah | 8th August 2013 | 13 Comments

Hi everyone, welcome back! I can’t believe today is the final day of StampSpotlight already!! I always feel sad when it’s the final day of the Spotlight, because I’ve so enjoyed getting up close and personal with one set and showing you

StampSpotlight August 2013 – Day 2!

By Taheerah | 7th August 2013 | 14 Comments

Hi everyone, it’s great to see you! The response to yesterday’s StampSpotlight was awesome!! Thank you all *so* much for your kind words and comments – every single one of them made my day!! I hope you’re all ready for