Tag: Lots of Dots

Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge #45

By Taheerah | 2nd March 2015 | 3 Comments

Yay Bokeh Celebration card by Taheerah Atchia

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I know, I know, Mondays are tough. We all need a little tonic to help us get through the day. Luckily there’s a new challenge in town to help us do just that – the Cure For

Runway Inspired Challenge #55 – Pamella Roland

By Taheerah | 4th March 2014 | 18 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another Runway Inspired Challenge! I am so loving creating for these!! Here’s the *gorgeous* inspiration image for this challenge: *Swoon*!! Now that is my kind of dress! Sleek, sophisticated and sexy! I would totally

Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge #4

By Taheerah | 10th February 2014 | 25 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I know, I know, Mondays are tough. We all need a little tonic to help us get through the day. Luckily there’s a new challenge in town to help us do that – the Cure For The

Bring It On

By Taheerah | 16th December 2013 | 7 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! Today was my first day of holiday and I mostly spent it with a pounding headache. As a result mojo hit late again but I did come up with a card to share! Bokeh has been