Tag: Designer Woodgrain

Cure For The Monday Blues Challenge #7

By Taheerah | 3rd March 2014 | 22 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Monday! I know, I know, Mondays are tough. We all need a little tonic to help us get through the day. Luckily there’s a new challenge in town to help us do just that – the Cure For

Sending Thank Yous

By Taheerah | 31st December 2013 | 6 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy end of 2013! Are you ready for 2014 to start?! I’m back today with a card that is all about thanks. I guess I want to dedicate this one to all of you who have been such

Vintage Meets Modern Meets Doily

By Taheerah | 28th December 2013 | 11 Comments

Hey – I’m, having a giveaway! Click here for more details! Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! I decided to create one of those ‘from scratch’ cards. You know, where I go to ridiculous lengths to create the whole thing from scratch when there