Tag: Mod Podge

The Diary of River Song

By Taheerah | 23rd November 2013 | 16 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Saturday! Sometimes an event comes around once in a lifetime, and for many geeks that day is today as Doctor Who turns 50. For those of you not in the know, Doctor Who is a UK show

Little Snowman

By Taheerah | 17th October 2013 | 12 Comments

Hey everyone! Happy Thursday! God I can’t wait for the weekend, lol! Today’s card is another I made ages ago for a publication call – I am going to run out of these very soon but I’ve just no energy

Mistletoe Kisses

By Taheerah | 13th October 2013 | 7 Comments

Hey everyone! I’m back again, this time to actually share a card, lol! So this was another card previously created for submission and wasn’t picked up, so I’m sharing it with you today. 🙂 What do you think? I really